What's inside?

This is the folder structure you will find once you download our theme.

  • screens
  • There you will have all components related with the app screens, as the name implies.

  • components
  • There you will have all base components that have been reused along the app e.g., buttons, page titles, text input with floating label, ... and much more, we'll cover some important ones that you may want to reuse to build another components.

  • data
  • All the dummy data that you have seen in the screenshots. This way, if you want an app with static data, all you have to do is modify these files.

  • navigation
  • Components related with the navigation of the app. This app has a dependency called React Navigation, that will help you to manage the navigation of the app in an easier way.

  • assets
  • Images, SVG's and Lottie files for animations.

  • package.json
  • This is the typical file used to declare the dependencies in a Javascript project, as we are using React and React Native, we need this file.

  • app.json
  • File to declare some Expo settings e.g., the app version, sdkVersion, supported platforms (android and iOS). You can even declare in this file the splash screen image if you want to change it from the default one.